The learning of musical performance for the students of the professional academic program of Education is always a current and pertinent subject, which demands from the professionals a constant improvement for the sake of ...
De La Cruz Miraval, Goyo; León Trujillo, Betty; Cárdenas Viviano, Roberto Carlos; Cárdenas Reyes, Cerafin Santiago; Marcellini Morales, Fredy Rómulo(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-01-04)
Within the framework of the program to improve the quality of education, fundamental capacities have been developed that are oriented towards the development of creative thinking. As one of the most important capacities ...
Huasco Espinoza, Fidel Denis; Hinostroza Robles, Huberto Tito; Cabanillas López, María Teresa(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-06-09)
The objective of the research is to determine to what extent noise pollution influences the musical learning of students of the Higher Institute of Music of Huanuco - 2015. The inductive-deductive method of explanatory ...
The fact is that, given the profound changes that have been occurring in the teaching systems and in the face of the renewal of knowledge and teaching methods typical of the current era marked by globalization and the ...
Bravo Vecorena, Aland; Guerra Huacho, Rollin Max; Majino Gargate, Freddy Omar; Ocaña Igarza, Esio(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-12-01)
The focus of the research was to establish the extent use of the Músic21 tool as a influence for the complement of the music analysis of the piece "El Condor Pasa" by Daniel Alomía Robles, in Huánuco region during the ...
Ocaña Igarza, Esio; Guerra Huacho, Rollin Max; Majino Gargate, Freddy Omar; Bravo Vecorena, Aland(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-12-01)
The current transformations that are taking place in the world, with the constant scientific and technical advances, make the teaching of music also in all countries a process of systematic changes in the training of ...
Marcellini Morales, Fredy Rómulo; Cardenas Viviano, Roberto Carlos; León Trujillo, Betty; Marcellini Morales, Jorge Gadí; De La Cruz Miraval, Goyo(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-06-09)
The purpose of this work is to establish the degree of correlation between cultural management and musical heritage that has been taught at Daniel Alomía Robles ISMP Huanuco - 2016. The type of research is non-experimental ...
León Trujillo, Betty; Cardenas Viviano, Roberto Carlos; De La Cruz Miraval, Goyo; Marcellini Morales, Fredy Rómulo(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-12)
This scientific article responds to the need to increase academic performance through the application of information technology and communications. JClic educational software is a pedagogical support tool; that can provide ...
Cabanillas Lopez, María Teresa; Ocaña Igarza, Esio; Hinostroza Robles, Huberto Tito; Huasco Espinoza, Fidel Denis(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-11)
The purpose of the study of the basic type was to determine the level of satisfaction of the pre-professional practices of the
Musical Education and Arts career of the Higher Institute of Public Music Daniel Alomía Robles ...
Guerra Huacho, Rollin Max; Majino Gargate, Freddy Omar; Ocaña Igarza, Gargate Esio(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-07)
The purpose of the study of the applied type was to determine the improvement of the interpretation of Choral Singing through
the musical program based on the Kodály Method in the students of the primary level of a Private ...
Cabanillas Lopez, María Teresa; Hinostroza Robles, Huberto Tito; Huasco Espinoza, Fidel Denis(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-06)
El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar en qué medida influyen las habilidades cognitivas en el desempeño docenteen un Instituto Superior de Música de Huánuco - 2015. Se considera un estudio de tipo no experimental ...
Cardenas Viviano, Roberto Carlos; De la Cruz Miraval, Goyo; León Trujillo, Betty; Marcellini Morales, Fredy Rómulo(Universidad Y Sociedad, 2022-01-04)
En el marco del programa de mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación, se han desarrollado capacidades fundamentales que se orientan al desarrollo del pensamiento creativo. Como una de las capacidades más importantes para ...